How to Write the Perfect Product Description

Every business wants to make additional sales. However, where many fail is in the way they describe their products. Your product descriptions must be up to par if you want to move prospective customers through your sales funnel. While the product photo may be the first thing that catches the buyer’s eye, the product description gives them the information they need to determine if the item is right for them. When you use your creativity and emphasise the benefits of your product, you’re more likely to convert browsers. The product description is a large part of what determines if they will make the purchase.

The importance of product descriptions can’t be overstated. When you inform customers about your unique value proposition and offer solutions to their problems, you’ll build trust and increase sales. However, it isn’t easy to write a compelling copy which persuades customers to make a purchase. This articles will give you the tips to write the perfect product description for any item.

Why You Need Product Descriptions

To Rank On Search Engines

Product descriptions serve a variety of purposes. For example, they can assist with search engine optimization. When you use the right keywords, you improve the likelihood that your page will rank high on search engines. While you can and should optimise your images, you may not rank as highly as you would if you had additional content.

To Reduce Return Rate and Customer Service Enquiries

Detailed product descriptions also help to reduce return rates and lower customer service inquiries. When customers have comprehensive information about an item, they are better able to determine if a product is right for them. If you sell technological equipment, you must list the key features and specifications.

To Strengthen Relationship With Customers

Well-written product descriptions can also strengthen your relationship with your customers. How you do that will depend on your product and your target audience. For some businesses and products, injecting humour is the way to go, even with institutional buyers. Others need to focus on the security or accuracy of their products. Whatever you do, you need to assure customers your product will improve their operations in some way.

How To Craft Your Best Product Description

Let’s examine the steps involved in crafting the best product description.

Know Your Target Audience

You need to define your target audience before you write a single word. Then, put yourself in their shoes. What do they want? What matters most to them? What questions would they need to be answered? It’s only when you know who your potential buyers are that you can highlight the product’s features and benefits that are most valuable to them.

Pick the Right Words

Use words that persuade your customers to take action. However, don’t exaggerate or lie about your product’s benefits. If you describe an item as innovative or market-leading when it isn’t, you won’t fool anyone. Be honest when describing your product. This doesn’t mean you need to highlight flaws or drawbacks rather you need to focus on what the item has to offer. For example, a budget computer probably won’t be the most technologically advanced so you shouldn’t describe it as such. However, you can play up its affordability.

There are also specific words which help to persuade buyers. These include:

  • Revolutionary
  • Now
  • Introducing
  • Amazing
  • Belief
  • Uplifting
  • Sensational

Using a few of these words in your text can increase the likelihood that you will close the sale. Be careful not to overuse them since this can make buyers doubt your authenticity.

Use Natural Language

Even if you’re doing business with governments and corporations, people are responsible for the purchasing. You need to use the language they will understand, and your product description should sound like it could be part of a real conversation. If it sounds like it was created by a computer, the copy won’t be very engaging.

Stay True to Your Brand

Your product description should be in keeping with your other brand materials. A customer who visits your website, reads your newsletter or follows you on social media should be easily able to identify with the text in your catalog. If you’re usually conversational, keep your product descriptions casual. If you’re typically straight-laced and professional, maintain the same tone.

Make the Description Scannable

Even though your product description needs to contain lots of useful information, it should be easy to read. Buyers may scan through the text looking for key words or phrases before they decide to read the entire thing. It’s best to write a couple of sentences that describe the product and then list some bullet points with the key information. This information will be enough for some people to make their purchases right away.

Use Storytelling

People love stories. Instead of just stating facts, use your product description to draw the customer in. You can tell a story about the product’s benefits or how it will solve their most pressing problems. When you know your customers, you’ll know the type of story they will enjoy and respond to.

Split Test Your Product Description

If you’re just getting started with product descriptions, you’ll need to try a few options before you figure out what works best. Split testing different lengths, words, and formats can help you to determine how you can improve your conversion rate.

Provide All the Necessary Details

Make sure customers have all the information they need. If you sell clothing, provide size charts and care information. If you sell technology, list all the specs. You should also let buyers know if the product is available in other colours or styles and if there are opportunities for customization.


The perfect product description is the one that works best for your business. For the most part, product descriptions should be thorough, yet as concise as possible. However, there will be exceptions to the rule depending on the product and the type of customer. In any case, focus on using compelling language to make your product stand out. Give shoppers all the information they need and show them how your products can make life easier, improve sales or increase productivity. Split testing is important since it helps you to ensure you’re doing everything you can to convert prospects.


Samantha Wallace is a veteran tech writer and editor who has worked in several eCommerce companies. She has been covering technology online for over five years. She is the Content Advocate for