Stay True To Your Passion - Head Artworks

In this episode, we share the story of Head Artworks. A business that uses their creative gifts to make handmade items.

What influenced your decision to start your e-commerce store?

The desire to share our unique products to others, and to encourage them to tap into their gifts.

Tell us about your business?

Head Art Works is business of quality hand created items, that can be customized. We are unique in that we can put your favorite fragrance in a soap, candle, lotion, bath gel, incense and air freshener.

Do you currently run your store full time or part time?

We run our business full time.

Which e-commerce platform do you use?


How did you get your first products stocked?

We started in craft events.

How do you interact with your customers?

We talked with a variety of people and found out what they liked.

What are some of the challenges you're facing now or have faced, if any?

The challenge is getting more exposure to let the uniqueness of our product be known.

What apps/plugins are most useful to you?

Social media platforms are most useful to us.

Are there any personal business strategies you've developed with time?

We have learned that you have to continue to push forward.

If there was something you could change about your e-commerce journey so far, what will that be?

Advancing my knowledge to have a better understanding of the tricks of the trade.  I would also do more to help others. I encountered to not give up, even though the journey is hard.

Any advice for upcoming e-commerce entrepreneurs?

Stay true to your passion, give praise to your Higher Being (your faith) and by all means, be grateful.

About Merchant Stories
Merchant Stories is a blog series by Kudobuzz (a startup that helps you grow your business with social reviews and AI powered SEO) that highlights the stories of online merchants to give them more exposure and to serve as inspiration for upcoming merchants.

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Click here to visit Head Artworks.