How to Increase Sales by Optimizing your Product Pages

The most important page of your online store is the homepage. It is the first place people visit when they type in your store url. If your homepage isn’t well set up, be sure that many visitors to your site will leave immediately they land on it. This will result in a high bounce rate, and a store with a high bounce rate isn’t positioned to see a significant number of sales.

Aside the homepage, the other most important page of your online store is the product page. If a visitor to your homepage stays long enough to look at a product, the product page is where the decision to buy that product or not will take place. The essence of product pages is to tell customers why your product is a must-have and which of their needs it fulfills before they finally make a buying decision.

Unfortunately, many online store owners spend a lot of time and effort improving the aesthetics of their sites and that of their checkout page whilst paying little or no attention to the product pages. It’s not particularly bad to have a stellar aesthetics for your site or checkout page, but, of what use is a checkout page if your product pages are not convincing enough to get visitors to decide to purchase a product?

To help you better optimize your product pages, I’ll share with you some effective ways you can use to increase conversions on your product page.

Here they are:

1- Offer Money Back Guarantee

One of the things that normally prevents people from buying online is the issue of trust. “Do I trust this business enough to buy from them?” “Do I trust this product I am seeing to be shipped exactly the way I see it?” These questions in the minds of visitors hinder the desire to purchase a product.

Displaying a money back guarantee and return policy on your product pages will go a long way to assure the the visitor that his/her money is safe in the event that the product isn’t what he/she expected. Your money back guarantee and return policy should put the risks on yourself and explain how a customer can seek a refund.

By doing this, you’re giving your site visitors confidence in your business and products and with the boosted confidence, they’re more likely to buy from you.

2- Add a Section for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

To make a purchase decision, a visitor to your site will need his/her most pressing questions or doubts cleared. The best way to address these questions is to answer them at the most opportune time and that is when the visitor is staring at a product on the product page and deciding whether or not to make a purchase.

If your product pages do not have a section for FAQs, consider creating one. The FAQs section will greatly increase your product page conversion as you will be proactively answering questions that a visitor to your site might have. An FAQ section with a typical FAQ look is recommended, otherwise, you can have FAQs in your product description copy.

The FAQs could be the common questions you often get about a product. You can also make up your own questions if you anticipate visitors are likely to have those questions. If you have many products on your website, consider adding a FAQ to the most popular ones, or those which you receive the most questions about.

The Kudobuzz reviews app with its QnA feature is great for adding a section for FAQs on product pages.

3- Use Product Videos

One of the main differences between buying online and from a physical store is in the ability to touch, feel or physically examine a product. Whilst it’s easier to physically examine a product in a brick-and-mortar store, the same cannot be said for an online store.

To make up for this constraint with the online store, store owners normally display pictures of the products on the product pages but pictures can only do so much.

Videos can however do more than pictures. A good video showing a thorough look of a product can make a visitor appreciate the product more. The video can capture the product being physically used or should clearly show all the parts and sides the visitor is interested in.

4- Use Customer Reviews or Testimonials

Nothing sells a product more than a customer who has bought and used that product raving about it. Aren’t you more likely to buy a product if past customers of that product were saying positive things about it? Those customer reviews put confidence in you by showing that the business delivers true to what it claims.

To improve conversion on your product page, you’ll need to employ this same psychology by showing reviews from previous customers on the product page.

Having reviews on your product page will not only show the visitor that people are buying and using your product but also that those people are happy enough to write a review for your business.

The Kudobuzz product reviews widget is very good for displaying customer reviews and ratings on product pages.


Product pages are where majority of site visitors and customers will finally make the decision whether to buy the product or leave your store. It’s therefore essential that as an online merchant, you pay special attention to the product pages. You can do this by implementing some of the product optimization tips mentioned in this article and more. If you do it right, you will be seeing significant growth in sales for your store.