Our skin and hair do many jobs, like blocking germs and dirt from getting inside the body and causing harm. Not just that, your skin is more than just a canvas for beauty, it is a living, breathing organ that deserves your utmost care and attention. It’s one thing to buy a skincare or haircare product, it’s another thing if the product eventually works for you.  

It can be difficult to navigate the world of skincare and haircare, especially with the many products and treatments accessible these days. In today’s podcast episode hosted by Meg, Dr. Thrower has shared valuable tips on achieving glowing skin and healthy hair, with his main focus on addressing the unique needs of individuals with pigmented skin.

Knowing Ethnic Skin and What Makes it Unique

Located in Pembroke Pines, Florida, Dr. Thrower is known for his focus on ethnic dermatology, and over the years, he has developed quite a deep understanding of how conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and alopecia manifest differently in ethnic individuals, people with more pigmented skin, whether African-American, Haitian, Jamaican, basically from anywhere in the world.

When I treat a Caucasian patient for acne, once the acne clears, the problem is typically solved. But with ethnic skin, I have to treat the acne, then address the dark spots and work to even out the skin tone,” Dr. Thrower said. He further explained that when it comes to ethnic skin, the skin requires a multi-step process due to its higher chance of scarring and hyperpigmentation, so, it can make common conditions like acne more challenging to treat.

Personalized Skincare Brand Designed for Ethnic Skin

In order to meet the specific needs and requirements of his clients, Dr. Thrower took his time to develop a line of specialized skincare products. The amazing thing about his products is that not only do they treat common skin conditions, but also they take into account the unique concerns of individuals with darker skin tones.
Take, for example, his quick-drying bump treatment is formulated with 10% sulfur and 1% salicylic acid to fight stubborn acne, while his Hydrotret cream combines hydrocortisone and tretinoin to tackle blackheads and whiteheads effectively.

Want to know what makes his products different? “What makes these products different is that they are designed to work with the tolerance of ethnic skin, preventing over-drying and irritation while delivering powerful results,” Dr. Thrower shared during the podcast. Well, apart from the acne treatments, he also offers solutions for dark spots, including a 2% hydroquinone gel that is applied with precision to target hyperpigmented areas.

Common Skincare Myths: What to Know

People love to follow trends, and one of the highlights of the podcast is Dr. Thrower’s myth-busting session. He warned listeners about the dangers and the effects of following skincare trends without understanding what their skin type is.  “Just because a celebrity or influencer uses a product doesn’t mean it will work for everyone.” Dr. Thrower said.

He also emphasized the importance of listening to the needs of your skin and avoiding products that can cause burning, itching, or excessive peeling. Dr.Thrower also discredited the misconception that most individuals with darker skin do not need sunscreen. While the incidence of skin cancer in people with darker skin is low, he pointed out that using sunscreen can still provide protective benefits, and that it really won’t hurt to use sunscreen, even if you have pigmented skin, but it’s not as crucial for those with lighter skin.

Handling Hair loss: The Unique Challenges for Ethnic and Non-ethnic Hair

Hair loss is a major concern for many individuals, particularly within the ethnic community. Dr. Thrower noted that 90% of hair loss in ethnic patients is caused by external factors, such as chemical exposure from hair treatments or tight hairstyles. Whereas non-ethnic hair loss is typically found in Caucasian people, and that can be a result of many things like genetics, hormonal, etc., his practice offers a comprehensive approach to treating hair loss, starting with scalp care.

To fight this issue of hair loss, he prescribes a beta ointment infused with natural butter like shea and cocoa butter, alongside essential oils and medications like minoxidil. For more severe cases, Dr. Thrower uses micro needling with PRP (platelet-rich plasma), a treatment that involves drawing the patient’s blood, extracting the platelets, and injecting them back into the scalp to rejuvenate hair follicles. According to Dr. Thrower, in his words, the key to treating ethnic hair loss is “we always have to focus on making sure the scalp is normal, and then we can start the regrowth process.” This holistic approach combines both medical treatments and natural products to ensure that hair not only regrows but does so healthily.

The Power of IV Nutritional Therapy

Dr. Thrower is very enthusiastic about the possibilities of IV nutritional therapy in skincare going forward. This innovative procedure includes directly injecting vitamins such as glutathione and biotin into the circulation to improve skin appearance and general health. “Glutathione is made in your body, but as you get older, the levels decrease, and the purpose of glutathione is that it's an antioxidant. It removes toxins from your body and it improves cellular health in all of the organ systems, including the skin,” Dr. Thrower shared.

Many of his patients who are looking to improve their complexion or boost their hair and nail health have seen remarkable results from regular glutathione infusions, combined with oral supplements.

Tips for Glowing, Healthy Skin and Hair

Before we rounded up the episode with Dr. Thrower, he shared some practical tips for maintaining glowing, healthy skin and hair:

1. Avoid over-drying acne-prone skin: Dr. Thrower cautions against the common mistake of over-drying the skin to control oil.

2. Know your skin type: One of the most important aspects of skincare is understanding whether your skin is oily, dry, or a combination. When you use the wrong products for your skin type, it can cause issues like acne and dryness.

3. Incorporate Hair Grease for Moisture: For black women, Dr. Thrower recommended using traditional hair grease like Royal Crown or Blue Magic at least twice a week to combat dryness caused by chemical treatments or harsh hairstyles.

Want to know where to Find Dr. Thrower?

If you’re looking to learn more about Dr. Thrower’s treatments or purchase his skincare products, you can visit his office at 17901 Northwest Fifth Street, Suite 205, Pembroke Pines, Florida. His products are available online at Dr. Thrower’s Skincare. Head over to his website and see the amazing reviews and ratings left by his trusted clients using Kudobuzz. He is also active on all social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, where he shares more insights and tips on skincare and haircare.

Don’t forget, your skin speaks before you do. Treat it with care, and let it tell a story of healthy radiance, and your hair is the crown you never take off. Keep it strong, healthy, and shining!

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